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Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station
Allen Central Fire Station

City of Allen Central Fire Station Renovation + Expansion

The existing Central Fire Station was built in 2002 and needed updates in technology and layout as well as the addition of new sleeping quarters.

The newly renovated and expanded 14,188-square-foot existing Central Fire Station holds both the administrative staff and an active fire house. The new design corrects issues from the original design including envelope leakage while expanding and flipping the operating fire house to the north side of the apparatus bays where training facilities were originally located.

Interior improvements include renovation of the original first floor fire house to create public access, fire prevention and training spaces, and a reconfiguration of the second-floor administrative portion of the facility. The layout is more functional for both the administrative staff as well as citizens of Allen. The entrance and signage are more pronounced and recognizable for the public. Visitors will have a new first floor reception area where they will be directed to the department they are seeking. Exterior upgrades include an enlarged fire house “number one” in a prominent location placed on a contrasting color accent wall. Amenities include a covered outdoor dining and barbecue area for fire personnel and much improved sleeping quarters, bathrooms, day room and kitchen/dining spaces.

Features include:

  1. Program for administration and an active fire house

  2. First floor public reception area

  3. Covered outdoor dining and barbecue area

Volver Arriba