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Paul Bonnette

PGAL Promotes Paul Bonnette to Principal

Paul Bonnette, AIA, a seasoned professional with 18 years of exceptional design and project management experience at PGAL, has been promoted to Principal. His skills in master planning, programming, construction/contract documentation and project design, coordination and management have generated success for many of PGAL's most prominent assignments. Areas of expertise include higher education, justice, civic/municipal, transportation, office/retail, healthcare, financial, aviation and technology, throughout Texas and nationally. He is based in PGAL's Houston office. He holds a BS in Architecture from the University of Michigan and a Master's in Architecture from Rice University.

Paul's strong leadership abilities facilitate and build consensus among project stakeholders, producing unique architectural solutions specific to each client. His proactive approach to management and production responsibilities enable him to lead and coordinate large, technically complex corporate and institutional assignments within the client's budget and schedule parameters.

An accomplished manager, Paul played a key role in the design of many high profile projects such as the Martel Jones & Brown College, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Houston Branch), University of Houston Downtown Business School, the Fort Bend County Justice Center and the League City Public Safety Building. Working extensively with the City of Baytown, Paul has become a trusted advisor to the City on many projects. His portfolio includes work on major courthouse projects at both the federal and county level as well as such diversified assignments as data centers and corporate headquarters.

Active with projects throughout Texas, Paul has also guided design development for major PGAL clients nationwide, including airports, universities, courthouses and retail projects.

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