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UH Fleming Teaching Laboratory

UH Fleming Teaching Laboratory Named 2013 Outstanding Project

University of Houston Fleming Teaching Laboratory was featured as a 2013 Outstanding Project in the Fall issue of Learning By Design magazine.

This energy efficient design by PGAL included 105,000 sf of new teaching laboratory space for the UH chemistry and biology studies program and also includes an additional 24,000 sf of shell space for future research use. Read the article here:

The $19.8 million, PGAL-designed, 105,000 SF Fleming Teaching Laboratory addition at University of Houston was completed in 2012, providing highly functional, state of the art space for chemistry and biology studies. The program included 24,000 SF of shell space for future research use. Instructional labs accommodate 24 students with 8 student work stations at each 3 lab bench. This configuration enables students to work effectively either individually or in groups of 2 or 4 depending on their assignments.

Details: The viewing angles of the lab design provide all 24 students clear site lines to the instructor's demo bench, white board and projection screen ensuring the faculty's ability to effectively communicate with students and provide pre-lab instruction.

Chemistry labs are equipped with fume hoods, instrumentation benches, and locked drawers for personal lab supplies. Biology labs are set up at sit-down height for work with microscopes.

Lab service areas are positioned to provide logistical support enabling technicians to quickly prep each lab for the next session and maintain high utilization rates. Safety was a critical design issue. The project included: combination safety hower/eyewashes; adequate aisle widths; adequate workspace at the bench and in fume hoods, and adequate and appropriate storage for all types of chemicals and instrumentation.

Construction Delivery was design/build.

Volver Arriba