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Terminal 3 McCarran International Airport

Terminal 3 Welcomes First Passengers at McCarran International Airport

PGAL is serving as Prime Consultant and lead architect for the design of the new $2 billion International Terminal 3 at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. This new 2 million SF, three-level, 14 gate terminal represents today's most advanced Airport operations technologies and passenger/baggage processing systems, supported by a highly-flexible, sophisticated infrastructure geared to keep Terminal 3 at the cutting edge of aviation design well into the future.

T3 provides terminal facilities for 44 gates, including 30 of the existing 44 gates in Terminal D via a connecting, underground automated people mover system (APM). Six international “swing gates” can accommodate a range of aircraft including wide-body aircraft with dual loading bridges. It also provides additional domestic gate capacity as needed. Flexible hold room design allowed the Airport to add an additional international capable gate for opening day. Federal Inspection Services (FIS) facilities will be provided to process arriving international passengers at a rate of 1,600 international arriving passengers per hour. FIS design incorporates Customs and Border Protection 'Model Ports of Entry' design elements as well as 'Global Entry' expedited processing.

Security checkpoints are positioned on two levels to offer flexibility for Airport, TSA operations and staffing based on flight activity. Checkpoints include body scan equipment/ layouts reflecting latest TSA “standardization” for lane processing. PGAL secured approval from CBP to include swing baggage claim units in international baggage claim to provide flexibility for expanded domestic claim units. Seven major installations of public art, including a spectacular montage of Las Vegas public school artwork, give T3 a smart and memorable signature look.

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