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City of Fort Worth Animal Care + Control Facility

The City of Fort Worth was operating its animal shelter at twice its capacity because Fort Worth Animal Care and Control is mandated to take in any animal from within its jurisdiction.

PGAL and Animal Arts partnered with Fort Worth Animal Care and Control to conduct a needs assessment and develop a design for a new campus in the northern part of the city. The resulting 30,700-square-foot Fort Worth North Animal Care and Adoption facility is a seven-building, environmentally conscious campus meant to promote low-stress, open and transparent practices, and a safe and controlled shelter for pets and humans alike.

Located on a serene seven-acre development, the facility includes feline and canine housing, community spaces, medical suites, and staff spaces.

Features include:

  1. 7-acre, landscaped development

  2. Campus totaling seven buildings

  3. Wellness as a key priority for both the animals and humans alike
Volver Arriba