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Florida Atlantic University Comprehensive Master Plan Treasure Coast Campus

Florida Atlantic University Comprehensive Master Plan Treasure Coast Campus

This 10-year master plan for Florida Atlantic University’s Treasure Coast Campus included building assessment and infrastructure surveys, along with a plan to accommodate 1,000 full-time students in the planned development of St. Lucie West.

In partnership with Kimley-Horn Associates, PGAL served as principal planner for Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU) Treasure Coast Campus master plan.

The 50-acre Treasure Coast Campus sits adjacent to Indian River Community College’s St. Lucie West Campus. As a planned development, the local community of St. Lucie West has high standards for architectural design, landscape requirements, and physical connection. Integrating FAU into this existing development was a top priority in the master planning process.

Located on environmentally sensitive lands, the property required extensive wetland and environmental mitigation. PGAL closely collaborated with the South Florida Water Management District and conservation agencies to ensure the highest standards.

The master plan included a number of considerations to minimize the university’s impact on the surrounding community. Campus access points were included to minimize traffic, and walls and landscaping were used for light spill and noise control from campus roadways.

The plan achieves visual connections between the campus and community using view corridors with carefully framed vantage points. Pedestrian and bicycle paths physically connect FAU's campus to the neighboring community. The architectural vocabulary, building forms, and building finishes were designed to complement the community and the adjacent Indian River Community College.

CPTED principles are inherent within the plan, including well-lit, well-marked paths for the safety of students and residents.

With the master plan complete, PGAL served as associate architect for the $17 million joint-use campus complex. This multi-building facility was the first step toward implementation of the Treasure Coast Campus Master Plan.

Services Include:

  1. Integration of the Treasure Coast Campus into the planned development of St. Lucie West
  2. Extensive wetland and environmental mitigation, as well as collaboration with the South Florida Water Management District and conservation agencies
  3. Associate architect for the first phase of the master plan, Treasure Coast’s $17 million joint-use campus complex
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