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City of West University Place City Hall/Police Department Complex
City of West University Place City Hall/Police Department Complex
City of West University Place City Hall/Police Department Complex
City of West University Place City Hall/Police Department Complex
City of West University Place City Hall/Police Department Complex
City of West University Place City Hall/Police Department Complex
City of West University Place City Hall/Police Department Complex

City of West University Place City Hall/Police Department Complex

Federal incentive money helped spur this much-needed, 19,000-square-foot renovation and expansion of West University Place’s existing city hall building.

The addition provides space for the relocation of the city’s police and emergency operations in a center that includes the criminal investigation division, squad room, break rooms, showers and locker rooms, storage, evidence processing, records, jail facilities, interview rooms, juvenile detainment, sally port, and armory. The expansion also includes new single-occupancy sleeping quarters for firefighters.

PGAL provided extensive code upgrades with reconfiguration of office and administrative areas, training rooms, conference rooms, and storage spaces. The design for the addition complements the existing 1950s architecture.

Features Include:

  1. Relocation of the city’s police and emergency operations
  2. Single occupancy sleeping quarters for firefighters
  3. Extensive code upgrades with reconfiguration of office and administrative areas, training rooms, conference rooms, and storage spaces
Volver Arriba