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Texas Department of Transportation IH-10 Section 3
Texas Department of Transportation IH-10 Section 3

Texas Department of Transportation IH-10 Section 3

PGAL was part of the project team providing plans, specifications, and estimates to widen a section of IH-10 to 10 mainlanes with auxiliary lanes, three-lane frontage roads in each direction, and four HOV/SUL lanes.

The entire $1.2 billion TxDOT-sponsored project extends along Interstate 10 from west of Washington Avenue to west of Katy, rebuilding and adding seven lanes to the Katy Freeway and involving major interchanges with I-610, the Sam Houston Tollway (Beltway 8), and Highway 6.

PGAL’s portion of the projects included a $158 million, 2.5-mile section that extends from Silber Road to Campbell with four overpasses, one braided ramp, and a special-use lane access structure. PGAL designed the frontage roads, intersecting streets, and entrance/exit ramps. PGAL also oversaw all utility adjustments and relocations and assisted the utility companies in reaching utility agreements with TxDOT.

In addition, PGAL designed plans for the relocation of the City of Houston's sanitary sewer, water facilities, and a large detention pond for area drainage.

Features Include:

  1. $158 million, 2.5-mile section that extends from Silber Road to Campbell with four overpasses, one braided ramp, and a special-use lane access structure
  2. Frontage roads, intersecting streets, and entrance/exit ramps
  3. Detention Ponds
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