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Texas Southern University Sterling Student Center
Texas Southern University Sterling Student Center
Texas Southern University Sterling Student Center
Texas Southern University Sterling Student Center
Texas Southern University Sterling Student Center
Texas Southern University Sterling Student Center
Texas Southern University Sterling Student Center

Texas Southern University Sterling Student Center

This 115,000-square-foot Student Center renovation provides a “home away from home” for Texas Southern University’s (TSU) commuter students and on-campus residents.

PGAL designed the facility to encourage collaboration, enhance the academic experience, aid in the development of interpersonal relationships, celebrate diversity, and promote the open exchange of ideas.

The epicenter of campus life at TSU, the Sterling Student Center is home to the Student Government Association, University Program Council, TSU Herald student newspaper, Tiger Yearbook, and Office of Campus Organizations.

Other departments and services within the center include admissions, administration, barber and beauty salon, bookstore, computer labs, and an orientation auditorium. The Student Center also houses the cafeteria, food court, VIP lounge and staff dining, resource center, bowling alley and game arcade, student life, and study facilities for groups and individuals.

The project also included renovation of the primary kitchen and servery functions for the center.

Features Include:

  1. Home away from home for commuter students and on-campus residents
  2. Space for numerous campus organizations, departments, and student amenities
  3. Renovated primary kitchen and servery
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