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Atlantic Aviation Fixed Base Operators Office Renovations
Atlantic Aviation Fixed Base Operators Office Renovations
Atlantic Aviation Fixed Base Operators Office Renovations
Atlantic Aviation Fixed Base Operators Office Renovations
Atlantic Aviation Fixed Base Operators Office Renovations
Atlantic Aviation Fixed Base Operators Office Renovations

Atlantic Aviation Fixed Base Operators Office Renovations

As one of the busiest general aviation destinations in the country, Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) required a modern touch to reflect the current age of aviation.

Atlantic Aviation selected PGAL to design and implement a modernization program for PBI’s original Terminal Building, which was constructed in the 1980s. The design team worked closely with Atlantic Aviation staff to define the goals, establish a program, and set a budget to bring the facility up to par with new technology and aviation industry needs.

The terminal area is the focal point for customer arrivals and departures from PBI. The building is conveniently located in close proximity to the Customs and Immigration General Aviation Facility for international arrivals processing.

PGAL selected new finishes, materials, and furnishings to meet Atlantic Aviation’s high facility standards. These new amenities created a fresh, comfortable, and high-tech facility for domestic and international passengers.

Features Include:

  1. New reception area
  2. Reconfigured passenger waiting lounge and pilot's lounge
  3. New cantina and vending area for passengers
  4. New conference room and business center
  5. Reconfigured and expanded customer restrooms
  6. Upgrades to administrative offices, pilot's flight planning area, and support space
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