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Plantation High School Phased Renovations
Plantation High School Phased Renovations
Plantation High School Phased Renovations
Plantation High School Phased Renovations
Plantation High School Phased Renovations
Plantation High School Phased Renovations
Plantation High School Phased Renovations

Plantation High School Phased Renovations

Originally constructed in 1963, Plantation High School needed updates and adjustments for areas used by both the traditional high school program and the growing adult community school.

The program included renovations to Building 3, which contains the music department, athletic department, and vocational and technical classrooms. PGAL remodeled the vocal music and band classrooms, and provided support spaces for each function, including practice and storage rooms.

PGAL also renovated the physical education area with specialized weight and dance rooms, a new gymnasium, and support spaces such as locker rooms, dressing rooms, and custodial functions. The redesigned vocational and technical area contains classrooms for graphics and drafting programs, with updated laboratory, material storage areas, and mechanical spaces.

PGAL completed the project despite a number of constraints, including existing facilities on three sides of Building 3, new construction to the north, and the existing chilled water system routed through the building. With school in session during construction, PGAL kept the school fully operational, providing clear and safe circulation and allowing for the monitoring of Plantation High's student body.

Features Include:

  1. Remodeling of the vocal music classroom, the band classroom, and provision of related support spaces
  2. Physical education area renovations
  3. Rede­signed vocational and technical area with updated laboratory, material storage areas, and mechanical spaces
Volver Arriba