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NAVFAC Camp Lejeune Stone Bay BEQ
NAVFAC Camp Lejeune Stone Bay BEQ
NAVFAC Camp Lejeune Stone Bay BEQ
NAVFAC Camp Lejeune Stone Bay BEQ
NAVFAC Camp Lejeune Stone Bay BEQ
NAVFAC Camp Lejeune Stone Bay BEQ
NAVFAC Camp Lejeune Stone Bay BEQ

NAVFAC Camp Lejeune Stone Bay Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ)

With lodge-style interiors celebrating the natural surroundings, this 225-unit Bachelor Enlisted Quarters delivers a contemporary twist on the Georgian architectural style specified by NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic.

The design-build team of Balfour Beatty and PGAL was awarded the 225-unit Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and road project at Camp Lejeune Stone Bay MARSOC/Rifle Range. The project includes 225 units in two, three-story buildings with multipurpose indoor space, site amenities, cleaning stations, surface parking, and a connector road with gatehouse and bridge. Buildings are sited to frame the historic rifle range district.

The design features lodge-style interiors celebrating the natural surroundings.

Features Include:

  1. 225-unit Bachelor Enlisted Quarters
  2. Multipurpose indoor space, site amenities, cleaning stations, and surface parking
  3. Connector road with gatehouse and bridge
Volver Arriba