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Acres Homes Multi-Service Community Center
Acres Homes Multi-Service Community Center
Acres Homes Multi-Service Community Center
Acres Homes Multi-Service Community Center
Acres Homes Multi-Service Community Center

Acres Homes Multi-Service/Community Center

PGAL’s renovation of this community center provides the city of Houston with more flexibility to focus on services that benefit the local community.  

The two-story, 50,000-square-foot facility houses numerous public service agencies and services, including the senior citizen’s program; citizen’s council; childcare; Houston Police Department storefront; women, infants and children (WIC) program; senior fitness program; and computer literacy classes.

Challenged by an extremely tight budget, the team’s design solution expands classroom and workshop space to accommodate new programs and services, maximizing the city’s positive impact on a broad range of constituents.

A comprehensive assessment of the facility and building programming equipped PGAL to identify underutilized spaces in the facility and add three flexible classroom/workshop spaces that accommodate a total of 100 people. The team also worked with a core group of stakeholders to develop and apply a new interior color palette for the facility’s public spaces, including the community atrium, auditorium, restrooms, and clinic. This new color scheme adds vibrancy and life to the center, creating a positive atmosphere for everyone who relies on its services.

Features Include:

  1. Two-story, 50,000-square-foot community center for the city of Houston houses numerous public service agencies and services
  2. Design expands classroom and workshop space to accommodate new programs and services
  3. Public spaces feature a new interior color palette
Volver Arriba