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Houston Independent School District Lovett Elementary School Replacement

This new campus provides students and staff with a contemporary, easy-to-navigate educational facility that connects indoor and outdoor environments.

Home to 750 students, the 84,500-square-foot school’s healthy interior environment features an abundance of natural light to support optimal learning. All classrooms and learning spaces benefit from daylight and views to the outdoors. Eco-friendly materials are durable and easy to maintain, while state-of-the-art technology contributes to a safe and secure campus.

The school’s two-story classroom wing accommodates pre-K through second grade on the first floor and third grade through fifth grade on the second floor. As a magnet school for the arts, the institution has an exceptional music department. The facility’s band classroom features an operable exterior glass wall that opens completely to the front yard for outdoor performances and assemblies under the covered court. Similarly, the dining space opens to the performance space, transforming the room into a community auditorium and event facility.

Features Include:

  1. 84,500-square-foot replacement facility featured two-story classroom wing
  2. Healthy interior environment includes natural light, views to the outdoors, and eco-friendly materials
  3. Flexible interior spaces can be transformed into outdoor performance space and community auditorium
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