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Carrollton Senior Center Renovation

The renovation and expansion of this senior center creates a multi-purpose environment that supports a wide range of leisure activities and programs for adults ages 50+.

This 17,300-square-foot facility houses a large ballroom with a wooden dance floor; meeting, exercise, and fitness rooms; boardwalk piers on the adjacent lake; a hiking/biking trail; picture windows overlooking the lake and wetlands; a full-service kitchen; and administration offices. The Center hosts a variety of leisure activities and programs, including athletic opportunities, educational classes and seminars, and luncheons.

A building expansion increased capacity of the multipurpose room and fitness area while adding a new 1,800-square-foot activities commons that serves as a flexible programming space. Interior renovations include kitchen modifications, stage enhancements, acoustical improvements, refinishing of wood floors, and HVAC upgrades.

Features Include:

  1. Renovation and expansion of existing senior center
  2. Expansion of multipurpose room, fitness area, and activities commons space  
  3. Interior renovations included acoustical improvements and HVAC upgrades 
Volver Arriba