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Public Safety Building Breaks Ground at DFW Airport

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport has broken ground on a new 130,000-square-foot Public Safety Headquarters building.

PGAL – teamed with design-build partner JE Dunn Construction - is providing architecture and interior design services on the $50 million project, which will house the administrative and operational offices for the airport’s police, fire, and special services staff, as well as a detention center.

Strategic collaborative spaces will foster interdepartmental interaction and planning. The facility includes administrative offices, support personnel offices, conference rooms, huddle areas, training/seminar rooms, an IT/mechanical room, a detention facility, a crime investigation room, interrogation rooms, a SWAT deployment area, a sally port, an apparatus bay, and a fitness center with lockers and showers.

Located on the airport’s southwest side, the two-story building is projected to open in 2019.

Volver Arriba