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Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion VIP Club

Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion is a world-class performing arts center, now offering an exclusive restaurant lounge for VIP season ticket holders.

The VIP Lounge is an approximately 15,505-square-foot two-level building which includes a 3,500-square-foot elevated outdoor deck. Designed to accommodate up to 945 patrons, the lounge includes two major bars and one outdoor bar, and boasts a second-level open kitchen design.

The lounge is intended to serve as a high-end amenity for season pass holders. A premier level of interior finishes, furniture selection, and purposeful design elevates the experience of patrons by creating both a memorable destination and exclusive environment. The interior spaces have a contemporary, yet natural feel, mixing stone, wood, and metals. Neutral tones of varying textures are enhanced with accents of saturated colors and lighting. A memorabilia wall and timeline of historic images of past performances are used as a focal point of interest at the grand staircase. The outdoor patio creates a direct connection between patrons and the performance experience, offering a variety of seating options with the comfort of refined services.

Features Include:

  1. Over 15,000 square feet of luxury amenities for season pass holders

  2. Two indoor bars and one semi-covered outdoor bar

  3. A variety of seating and gathering spaces

Volver Arriba