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Reagan National Airport

MWAA Board Approves AECOM and PGAL-Led Design Team, AIR Alliance, for DCA Capital Program

Last week the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) approved the selection of the AIR Alliance architectural-engineering team (a joint venture of AECOM and PGAL) to design improvements at Reagan National Airport (DCA). The $1 billion DCA capital improvement program will help ease crowding at the airport in response to record passenger growth in recent years.

The program will include the construction of a new concourse to replace the 14 outdoor boarding areas on the north side of the airport and relocate security checkpoints in the B and C Terminals, giving passengers access between the terminal gate areas without having to be rescreened. With the adjustment of the security checkpoints, the primary concessions area, known as National Hall, will become post-security, better serving passengers waiting for their planes.

Additional information about the Reagan National Construction program is available here.

Photo © Eric Taylor,

Volver Arriba