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East Harris County Emergency Communications Center

The East Harris County Emergency Communications Center is designed to provide 911 call-taking service and emergency dispatch for five emergency agencies.

The six-call-taker station center functions as part of the Greater Harris County 911 network and covers the area located north of the Houston Ship Channel, East of the Houston City limits, South of Lake Houston, and West of the San Jacinto River. The Center began full operations in 2018 and dispatches emergency medical service or fire service-related personnel for each of its five area emergency agencies. During the first year of operation, the Center received 17,847 calls. The project was designed to easily expand to double the number of stations to 12.

The efficiently designed 5,500-square-foot facility is engineered to withstand hurricane force winds and has redundant systems to ensure uninterrupted services 365 days a year.

Features include:

  1. Ballistic rated perimeter walls for call center

  2. Call center designed for six initial call-taker stations with expansion capacity to 12 total stations

  3. Redundancy of mechanical, power and communications system to prevent single point failure

  4. Clerestory windows into call center to provide natural light

  5. Coordination and connection to existing antenna tower

Volver Arriba