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City of Pearland Delores Fenwick Nature Center

PGAL was selected by the City of Pearland to design the new Delores Fenwick Nature Center, an interactive indoor/outdoor environmental education facility.

Located in the same complex as the City’s recycling center and water treatment plant, the nature center provides an ideal location for hands-on educational opportunities to learn and explore preservation and outdoor recreation for the community. With panoramic views of the adjacent wetlands and bird sanctuary, the 6,000-square-foot interior provides ample space for visitors to experience nature through live animal exhibits, interactive bio-facts stations, and a craft table. The building also features a state-of-the-art classroom for up to 50 guests, ideal for workshops and field trips.

A 2,800-square-foot outdoor classroom was also designed for more hands-on learning experiences with immediate access to a city-wide network of walking trails, adjacent wetland/bird sanctuary, and planned spaces for future demonstration gardens and a tree farm. Other outdoor program incorporates shaded seating for viewing of the bird sanctuary.

In addition to a nature center, the area will also be a rentable venue, allowing the City to showcase their concept of utilizing one site as a multi-purpose venue for recreation, as well as achieving environmental objectives and community education.

Features Include:

  1. Live Alligator Exhibit
  2. 720-gallon double-sided fish tank
  3. Large Classroom / Multipurpose space
  4. 2,800-square-foot shaded outdoor classroom
Volver Arriba