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Houston Community College Northline Campus Parking Garage

Houston Community College Breaks Ground on Northline Campus Parking Garage

Groundbreaking ceremonies were held for the new Northline Campus Parking Garage on December 2, marking a significant milestone in the district's $425 million Groundbreaker Bond Program. The structural precast concrete garage will be built in two phases: Phase 1 will include the first three stories and 481 spaces. Phase 2 will expand the garage to 5 stories and 800 cars.

Representatives from PGAL, HCC Board of Trustees, Northline faculty and student body, Contractor team, and the general public attended the festivities. PGAL was selected as the Architect for the HCC Northeast College 2012 bond projects which include work at three locations: Northline, Acres Homes, and North Forest Campuses. The parking garage is the first of three projects assigned to PGAL on the Northline Campus. Future projects include a Central Plant and Academic Instruction Building that will bring classrooms, labs, an art studio, fitness training center, bookstore, student lounge and administrative spaces to the campus.

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