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Consolidated Rental Car Facility (ConRAC) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)

PGAL is currently leading the design of the six million-square-foot LAX Consolidated Rent-A-Car Facility (ConRAC) development for LA Gateway Partners.

The facility will consolidate over a dozen existing rental car company locations that are currently housed independently around the airport. Once completed and operational, all customer will access the ConRAC via the Automated People Mover (APM) eliminating the need for rental car shuttles and reducing vehicle traffic throughout the airport central terminal areas and the surrounding neighborhoods.

Housing almost 20,000 rental car and employee parking spaces, the facility is an integral part of the airport’s historic multi-billion-dollar Landside Access Modernization Program. By relocating rental car companies into one convenient location and providing a direct connection to LAX’s Automated People Mover (APM) train system, the ConRAC will eliminate the approximately 3,200 daily shuttle trips, alleviating traffic congestion on local streets and around the airport’s Central Terminal Area. The facility also features a Quick Turn Around (QTA) building, which allows for efficient fueling, washing, and light maintenance of vehicles. Once complete, the LAX ConRAC will be the largest rental car facility in the world and one of the largest concrete structures in the United States of America (second only to the Pentagon).

Features include:

  1. Part of an overall LAX airport passenger experience improvement program
  2. Largest ConRAC in the world
  3. Second largest concrete structure in the United States
  4. 20,000 parking spaces
  5. LEED Gold Certified
  6. Coordination with multiple governing agencies
Volver Arriba