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Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-OutA
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out
Arena Energy Interior Build-Out

Arena Energy Interior Build-Out

This new 82,000-square-foot, three-story interior build-out creates a new corporate identity for a client that values out-of-the-box thinking, expert insight, and advanced technology.

With the building sitting along beautiful Lake Woodlands, a space plan was created that maximizes lake views and filtered natural light. With a total of 15 departments dispersed on three floors, an interconnecting stair was designed to aid in collaboration and connection between the teams, becoming the central pillar of the work environment.

From this vertical circulation piece, an employee can meander through an art exhibit, lounge areas, and dining spaces before reaching the work areas. A combination of private offices, open desks, private conference rooms, and open collaboration tables can be seen throughout the floors to allow employees the flexibility to work in a manner that is most efficient to them and their teams. Unique light fixtures, smart spatial layouts, unexpected installations, and contrasting finishes come together to create an innovative and collaborative new headquarters.

Features include:

  1. Three-story interior build-out that maximizes views and natural light

  2. Interconnecting stair

  3. Design elements and spatial layouts complement the client’s core values

Volver Arriba