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American Airlines North Regional Concourse – Employee Support Spaces at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)

The overall goal of the project was to enhance the airline’s employee experience, echoing the passenger enhancements being implemented throughout the public spaces of the New North Concourse.

The PGAL team developed design strategies to maximize space utilization and functionality while observing the American Airlines corporate design standards and creating an inspiring space for the airline employees.  Project scope included the design of new administrative office suites, airline operations offices, employee restrooms and locker rooms, kitchenettes, break rooms for ramp and gate operations employees, supply storage, aircraft maintenance facilities, flight crew lounges, and building systems rooms. Interior finishes were carefully selected to deliver a branded environment that provided durability, quality acoustics, and ease of maintenance.    


Features include:

  1. Modern and dynamic workspace for airline employees

  2. Expansive airfield views

  3. Durable, quality interior finishes

The completed project provides airline employees with a modern and dynamic workspace with expansive airfield views allowing employees to be fully immersed in daily operations.

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