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City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51
City of Austin Fire Station No. 51

City of Austin Fire Station No. 51

This station is the second in a series of five planned “high-priority” combination Fire and EMS stations throughout the city and serves the areas of Travis Country and Sunset Valley in Southwest Austin.

The new station has a bold modern design which draws attention to the importance of emergency responders. Due to a small, one-acre site, the 15,000-square-foot station was designed to have a single-story apparatus bay and two-story living quarters to reduce the building footprint.

The station is designed for 24-hour occupancy, accommodating the different shift schedules of Fire and EMS. There are four back-in apparatus bays, a fueling station, and a three-story exterior training stair. The comfort and convenience of the responders was key to the design of the station which includes 14 sleep rooms, six full restrooms, fitness room, 1,000-square-foot kitchen and dayroom area, and an exterior lounge area.

Features include:

  1. New 15,000-square-foot Fire + EMS station

  2. 1,000-square-foot commercial kitchen and dayroom area

  3. Three-story training stair

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