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City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion
City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion

City of League City Fire Station No. 2 Expansion

Originally opened in September 1979, League City’s Fire Station No. 2 needed numerous upgrades and enhancements to meet the needs of this growing Texas Gulf Coast community.

The new 9,200-square-foot addition to Fire Station No. 2 reflects the style of the original structure while providing two additional vehicle bays for EMS vehicles. The expansion also includes offices, a kitchen and recreation area, sleeping quarters, and training facilities.

As a key emergency facility for the League City community, the addition is designed to withstand wind gusts up to 146 miles per hour (Category 4 hurricane) and the diverse weather conditions of the Texas Gulf Coast. The finished floor sits nearly one foot above the 500-year flood plain, and the facility has 100 percent backup power to support all key operations during an outage.

Features Include:

  1. Design that reflects the style of the original fire station structure
  2. Two additional vehicle bays
  3. Offices, kitchen and recreation area, sleeping quarters, and training facilities
  4. Structural improvements to withstand harsh weather conditions and power outages
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