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Delray 4th & 5th iPic Theater + Office

In 2013, the CRA sold the 1.57-acre site to iPic Entertainment where the theater is now located.

PGAL designed the four-level, 429-seat, upscale social destination. The iPic Theater provides eight screens and 42,689 square feet of office space. 

The theater encompasses the ground floor with mezzanine space; the office space occupies levels 3 and 4 with large public deck areas and retail space on the fourth floor. Also included in the project is a 329-space parking garage with valet parking.

The exterior of the building boasts a living wall which serves as a distinctive white web skin and web canopy over the deck.

The iPic Delray Beach corporate headquarters is filled with art, creating a backdrop of interesting and inspiring works. Movie goers are provided the ultimate experience, complete with private viewing pods and discreet table service from iPic staff.

Features include:

  1. Luxury theater with eight viewing screens

  2. 42,689 square feet of corporate office space

  3. 329-space parking garage
Volver Arriba