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Boca Raton Airport Privaira Private Aviation Hangar Building B9 Office Renovations

PGAL was hired to help Privaira Private Aviation set their new home at the Boca Raton Airport (BCT), strategically located immediately adjacent to the new U.S. Customs and Border Protection General Aviation Facility (GAF).

The team was challenged with a compressed timeline to convert the existing office area within Hangar B9 and upgrading it to reflect the latest state of the art needs of the private aviation world. PGAL prepared plans for the buildings’ much needed renovation and expansion, while maintaining the private vehicle access and circulation and the aircraft movement area free of any conflicts. The upgrades to the building brought the entire facility up to the most recent Florida Building Code requirements and provided a new and fresh environment to serve the private clientele that use Privaira’s air charter service. The interior design achieved, now reflected throughout their facilities, the high standards for service of the company.

The existing 12,000-square-foot hangar bay was updated to handle the modern fleet of aircraft currently in use. The customer service area was upgraded with modern finishes, more natural light, and the reconfiguration of the old, segmented offices into larger more efficient spaces within the existing building. Using creative design techniques, better circulation layouts and spatial relationships were achieved out of the same building footprint with new higher ceilings.

The new 2,500-square-foot Privaira Administrative offices were designed to provide improved and efficient areas to conduct the activities involved in the Aircraft Management, International Aircraft Operations, Flight Departments and the company’s administrative nerve center. The safety and security of clients and employees was also addressed with time proven techniques of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). The facility’s visibility angles and circulation are well connected throughout the facility to ensure that the facility can operate 24 hours, if needed.

Features include:

  1. Updates to the 12,000-square-foot hangar

  2. 2,500 square feet of newly renovated administrative offices

  3. Renovations phased to ensure no disruptions to service
Volver Arriba