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SpaceX Falcon 9 Display
SpaceX Falcon 9 Display
SpaceX Falcon 9 Display
SpaceX Falcon 9 Display
SpaceX Falcon 9 Display

Space Center Houston SpaceX Falcon 9 Display

Located between the main entrance drive and Saturn Lane, the Falcon 9 exhibit is designed to be a gateway for visitors entering Space Center Houston while serving as a unique symbol for passing vehicles and pedestrians.

The site is designed to accommodate a growing number of visitors while preserving green space that can be converted into a future site for commercial space vehicles from Blue Origin.

In the Center’s newest exhibit, the Falcon 9 core, or first stage, B1035, is displayed horizontally and elevated 14 feet off the ground inside Independence Plaza (the booster site and Capsule Building is considered part of Independence Plaza). As the first booster to be reused for a NASA mission, and the first commercial space exhibit for Space Center Houston, the core measures 47.7 meters tall and 3.1 meters in diameter and is equipped with extendable landing legs that deploy as the core gets closer to the ground.

Visitors can walk around and under the rocket, which is mounted 14 feet above ground, while admiring the wear and tear of having served in two successful missions.

Features include:

  1. New gateway exhibit for Space Center Houston

  2. First booster to be reused for a NASA mission

  3. Gives visitors ability to walk around and under the rocket

Volver Arriba