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City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library
City of Pearland Shadow Creek Library

West Pearland Library

This 39,000-square-foot, two-story Brazoria County library is set on a tree-filled site with emphasis on transparency and natural light. The three major components include typical library spaces, meeting spaces for the community and the Brazoria County Tax Office.

The library provides various collaborative spaces, private and group study rooms, a conference room for 16 people, two-story volume space with a “social stair”, age-appropriate environments, and a digital maker room for video/film editing.  Uniquely, the lobby is designed to provide 24/7 access to certain services such as holds, computers, and workstations.  The community meeting spaces include a 100-person teaching theater and a sub-dividable large multipurpose room.

The Tax Office is offset for easy access to the public while maintaining clear lines of sight for security purposes. The office is secured before and after business hours while the library is open.

The facility embraces its natural surroundings with extensive glazing capturing scenic views and providing an outdoor program terrace/garden and a secnd story covered balcony.

Features include:

  1. Community library, meeting space, and facilities for the Brazoria County Tax Office
  2. 100-person teaching theater and sub-dividable multi-purpose room
  3. Transparent and high-visibility design allowing for natural light and heightened security
Volver Arriba