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Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage
Texas A&M University Polo Garage

Texas A&M University Polo Garage Facility

This design-build, mixed-use facility consists of a five-level parking garage and three tenant spaces: the University’s Transportation Services offices, satellite recreation center, and dining services.

The Transportation Services offices include 27,000 square feet of space in a single story above rec sports. The program includes offices with work and storage rooms, large and small conference rooms, open work areas, call center, and reception area.  A central, shared break room also integrates the various departments.

The 30,000-square-foot Recreation Center is a satellite recreation facility for the University.  In addition to a fitness studio/multipurpose room, locker rooms, lobby and member services, the center includes a two-story, 17,000-square-foot strength and conditioning space with free weight area, cardio, and an indoor turf area. The strength and conditioning space is virtually column free with glazing on three sides creating an open area with maximum natural light.

Several popular dining vendors are also included in the facility including Shake Smart, Salata, Houston Street Subs, The Market, and Panda Express.

The dining facility includes a spacious outdoor covered eating plaza for an additional 100+seats. The outdoor dining area was placed directly adjacent to the major campus master planned pedestrian corridor, further emphasizing the building’s link to the campus by creating a dynamic sense of place and purpose.

The exterior design includes brick veneer and storefront glazing, responding to the University’s detailed campus standards, contextual materials, and the geometry of adjacent buildings.

Features include:

  1. 30,000-square-foot Recreation Center

  2. Five levels of parking

  3. 27,000 square feet of office space for Transportation Services

Volver Arriba