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City of Austin Convention Center Warehouse + Marshalling Yard

The goal for the new Warehouse and Marshalling Yard is to alleviate the logistical challenges of moving events in and out of the Downtown Convention Center.

Located at the intersection of two highways just east of Downtown and Northwest of the airport, the project provides efficient access for both land and air shipments. As trucks enter the site, they are checked in and directed to one of 112, 18-wheeler parking spaces before they are strategically scheduled to go to the Convention Center. This flow eliminates the chaotic congestion of loading and unloading at the Center. While drivers wait to be cleared to drive to the Convention Center, they can relax in a 2,200-square-foot lounge with seating, network connectivity, televisions, vending machines, and restrooms.

Operational space includes a warehouse building with 5,000 square feet of administration space, 5,000 square feet of shipping and receiving space, and 60,000 square feet of storage space. The warehouse building’s HVAC systems were also designed with the capability of heating and cooling for use as an emergency evacuation center.

The project is certified LEED Gold with water collection tanks that collect roof stormwater and HVAC condensate and a rooftop solar panel array.

Features include:

  1. New warehouse and marshalling yard to help ease logistical challenges for the City of Austin Convention Center

  2. 2,200-square-foot drivers’ lounge

  3. 5,000 square feet of administration and 60,000 square feet of storage space


Volver Arriba