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West Henderson Police Station, Training Facility, + 9-1-1 Dispatch Call Center

To accommodate the rapid growth in the West Henderson neighborhood, PGAL designed the new 54,000-square-foot police substation, 9-1-1 dispatch center, police training academy, and an area for the future development of a K-9 memorial.

The police substation contains a public lobby with an all-user restroom, private and open offices for police staff, locker rooms, gymnasium, restrooms, meeting and briefing rooms, and evidence processing and storage.

The 9-1-1 dispatch center on the second floor includes a main area with up to 20 stations, plus a training area with an additional Ten stations that can be opened by an operable partition in case of a large-scale emergency scenario requiring all hands-on deck. The Dispatch call center is serviced by showers/lockers, a break room, a de-sensory room, and a bonus balcony area for the comfort and wellbeing of the staff. 

The police academy program is laid out for maximum efficiency with a direct connection between training rooms that provide tactical training, CrossFit, exercise rooms, restrooms, and lockers comfortably accommodating up to 40 cadets. 

The architecture conveys a modern government building that is open and inviting to its community. With angled lines opening the building to the North; cladded in metal panels of blue shades, and a glazed lobby sitting on a raised plaza of the prominent Northwest corner of the site.

The raised plaza transitions the public into the building’s main entry; with the plaza and adjacent North wall identified as a possible location for the desired K-9 memorial. Having the memorial in this location activates the plaza and elevates the memorial to a significant area of the facility.

Features include:

  1. 30-station 9-1-1 dispatch center

  2. Police academy program

  3. Future siting for K-9 memorial


Volver Arriba