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Fulton County Animal Services Shelter

PGAL, in collaboration with Animal Arts, designed the new $37 million Fulton County Animal Services shelter in Atlanta that replaces its 40-year-old, undersized predecessor. 

Operated by Lifeline Animal Rescue, the new Animal Shelter is an excellent example of an effective partnering between public agencies and private enterprises.The design team worked closely with the County’s Public Safety staff, Lifeline staff, and volunteer groups for the facility throughout programming and design, ensuring operational and financial goals were addressed.

The 50,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art building can house 376 dogs and 99 cats, as well as livestock. The building is designed with daylight throughout, indoor/outdoor enclosures for the dogs, and “catios” for the feline residents. The shelter includes efficient, safe, and collaborative spaces for animal control and a shelter veterinary clinic that is designed and equipped so that the County can expand services offered to the public in the future. The County’s vision also included an opportunity to engage the greater community through training, educational programs, and other public gatherings. To satisfy this goal, the design incorporates training rooms that can be divided into separate meeting spaces, as well as a large public plaza located at the center of the facility to host fundraising, community rescue, and other public events.

The interior design reflects biophilic colors and textures, bringing life and interest to the kennels and public spaces. Every effort was made to incorporate daylighting into the building’s interior spaces to benefit both animals and staff. Two internal courtyards provide outdoor spaces for the smaller dogs and the quarantine and maternity dogs, respectively; these courtyards have storefront glazing at their ends to allow visual transparency and daylighting into the interior. In the main kennel wings, clerestory daylighting was implemented to serve as a sustainable design feature while also providing natural lighting to help maintain circadian sleep cycles, which can get disrupted and add stress to the animals housed in the facility.

Features include:

  1. 50,000-square-foot new LEED certified Animal Shelter
  2. Public-Private-Partnership between Fulton County and Lifeline Animal Rescue
  3. Large, public plaza to host community events
Volver Arriba