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Palm Beach County Animal Care + Control Campus

PGAL, in collaboration with Animal Arts, is designing the new $43 million facility that replaces its 30-year-old, undersized predecessor. 

Operated by Palm Beach Animal Care and Control, the renovation and new additions will be a haven dedicated to the well-being of the animals and designed with the comfort and health of the four-legged residents in mind.

The 100,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art building is nestled on a 14-acre property that will house up to 302 dogs and 250 cats as well as livestock. In addition to operations, the county’s long-term vision includes an opportunity to engage the greater community through training, educational programs, volunteering, and other public gatherings.

The goal is to create ample natural daylight throughout, welcoming environment, indoor/outdoor enclosures for the dogs, and “catios” for the feline residents. The shelter will include efficient, safe, and collaborative spaces for animal control and a shelter veterinary clinic. The clinic is designed and will be equipped so that the County can expand services to keep pace with the growing human and animal population.

Program also includes the addition of a volunteer admin space, animal intake, dog isolation, animal adoption, warehouse, sallyports, two new kennels, barn, wild/farm animal pens, open yards, and a two-story addition housing administrative and enforcement offices. The site will be reconfigured for more employee and public parking spaces as well.

Ultimately, the design for the new facility is not just a building; it will be a sanctuary where animals receive the care and compassion they deserve, and where humans are empowered to make a positive difference in the world of animal welfare.

Features include:

  1. 14-acre property
  2. Indoor/outdoor enclosures for the wellness of the animals
  3. On-site veterinary clinic
Volver Arriba