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Texas State University STEM Building San Marcos, TX

The Texas State University STEM Life Sciences Building will offer the growing campus an additional 170,000 square feet of space.

The project is designed to propel the university towards its ambition of achieving R1 National Research University status, with a specific focus on research and education. The creation of this highly anticipated facility arises in direct response to the intricate topographical features of the site. The distinctive landscape, characterized by a 40-foot elevation rise from north to south and a 50-foot slope from east to west, presents a unique opportunity. This natural contouring provides the ideal canvas for incorporating multiple entry points across various levels, catering to the substantial influx of approximately 2,000 students navigating the building during class transitions. The new building will successfully support a variety of instructional spaces and learning styles. The exterior design will look to advance the aesthetic of the Texas State campus; the intricately-detailed and human-centric interior will allow departments to lead their fields into the future of education and research. 

The project is designed in collaboration with Ayers Saint Gross.

Features include:

  1. New home for STEM research and education
  2. Iconic design for a campus seeking R1 status
  3. Design that responds to the dramatic campus typography


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