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Longford Medical Center

Longford Medical Center

PGAL designed this 131,000-square-foot Class A medical office facility on a five-acre site in the rapidly growing Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada.

The building features a four-story tower as well as a modern, aluminum canopy design on the third level and at both entries to the east and west. The new facility offers special amenities such as a private entrance, key access garage, central security and reception area, state-of-the-art technology, and energy efficient designs. Extensive customer parking is available, including a 600-car garage with 150 spaces on the surface grounds. The parking garage is connected to the building with an 80-foot-long bridge spanning the entry drive.

The facility was designed to include a 15,000-square-foot outpatient surgery center, a 5,000-square-foot rehabilitation center, a 7,000-square-foot imaging center, and a 3,000-square-foot pediatric urgent care area. PGAL included an additional 2,500 square feet of retail space for a coffee kiosk, pharmacy, and lobby and security area on the first floor. The second floor houses a 12,000-square-foot cath lab and a small deli for tenant and patient use.

Features Include:

  1. Modern, aluminum canopy design on the third level and at the east and west entries
  2. Amenities including a private entrance, key access garage, central security and reception area, state-of-the-art technology, and energy efficient designs
  3. Outpatient surgery center, rehabilitation center, imaging center, pediatric urgent care area, and 2,500 square feet of retail space
Volver Arriba