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Louisiana State University Annie Boyd Renovation
Louisiana State University Annie Boyd Renovation
Louisiana State University Annie Boyd Renovation

Louisiana State University (LSU) Annie Boyd Hall Renovation

The co-ed, 111-bed Annie Boyd Hall at Louisiana State University (LSU) was designed to look and feel like a brand new residence hall, while preserving the beauty and charm of the original building.

As a traditional hall, Annie Boyd Hall is open to all majors and all years of students. The building’s unique room setup, location, and suite-style bathrooms make this hall popular with upperclassmen, although first-year students are also welcome. Annie Boyd’s smaller size also provides a close community atmosphere.

The hall offers a number of student amenities, from an outdoor porch for relaxing to small group study rooms and a lobby computer lab for class projects. Located at the heart of campus, Annie Boyd is in close proximity to the student union, the 459 Commons dining hall, Barnes & Noble bookstore, and the Union Square parking garage.

PGAL completed this renovation as part of a joint venture with Holden Architecture.

Features Include:

  1. Co-ed residence hall with 111 beds
  2. Outdoor porch for relaxing, small group study rooms, and a lobby computer lab
  3. Close proximity to the student union, the 459 Commons dining hall, Barnes & Noble bookstore, and the Union Square parking garage
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