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Pershing Middle School
Pershing Middle School
Pershing Middle School
Pershing Middle School
Pershing Middle School
Pershing Middle School
Pershing Middle School
Pershing Middle School
Pershing Middle School

Pershing Middle School

After a lengthy facilities evaluation and cost-benefit analysis, PGAL recommended full replacement rather than renovation for this one-story school originally constructed in 1948.

Serving 1,700 students and 150 staff members, the school’s goal was to improve student flow and provide a more personalized environment for the student body. Designing classrooms in clusters was just one of PGAL’s strategies for the 18-acre campus.

The 195,336-square-foot, two-story school features 84 classrooms, a state-of-the-art media center, cafeteria, and administration suite. The school also includes a gymnasium, gymnastics facility, weight room, auditorium, running track, and athletic fields.

PGAL also remodeled the natatorium, which was originally constructed in 1948.

Features Include:

  1. Better student flow and a more personalized environment for the student body
  2. 84 classrooms, state-of-the-art media center, cafeteria, and administration suite
  3. Gymnasium, gymnastics facility, weight room, auditorium, running track, and athletic fields
  4. Remodeled natatorium
Volver Arriba