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Old School Square Parking Garage
Old School Square Parking Garage
Old School Square Parking Garage
Old School Square Parking Garage
Old School Square Parking Garage

Old School Square Parking Garage

This new 525-car garage is located in the heart of downtown Delray Beach, adjacent to the historic Old School Square Cultural Center and chic Pineapple Palms retail and residential area.

The garage’s contextual theme blends seamlessly with the surrounding urban fabric. Designed for mixed uses, the ground floor features 16,000 square feet of retail and public service office space, including offices for the Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority.

Features Include:

  1. Parking for 525 cars
  2. 16,000 square feet of retail and public service office space
  3. Space for the Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority
Volver Arriba