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Santaluces High School Academies Expansion
Santaluces High School Academies Expansion
Santaluces High School Academies Expansion
Santaluces High School Academies Expansion
Santaluces High School Academies Expansion

Santaluces High School Academies Expansion

This 30,000-square-foot modernization program enhanced Santaluces High School’s culinary, music, visual arts, and early education academies.

PGAL’s design provided state-of-the-art culinary and music academies, along with a district prototype for a technology-equipped Visual Arts Academy. The Early Education Academy includes district standard “working classrooms.”

In order to keep the school operational, PGAL completed the project in two phases.

Features Include:

  1. State-of-the-art culinary and music academies
  2. District prototype for a Visual Arts Academy
  3. Early Education Academy equipped with district standard “working classrooms”
Volver Arriba