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City of Conroe Public Safety Complex

This new law enforcement complex will accommodate the city of Conroe’s recent and anticipated future growth.

The project includes a 69,500-square-foot combined police headquarters and municipal courts facility as well as a separate SWAT building. It houses a 150-person courtroom, a uniform services bureau, a crime lab, evidence processing and storage, a secure server room for 9-1-1 and other equipment, and a secure lobby.

The complex is arranged to provide two distinct entrances and separate secured parking for the police department and municipal court functions. The building’s interior public zone facilitates interaction with personnel behind the counter, yet the building envelope is designed to withstand 146 mph hurricane-force wind and provide ballistic protection.

Located on the north side of the city, the 11.59-acre site will eventually be surrounded by other commercial and retail users, so mobility and easy access for all emergency vehicles was critical to the design solution.

A series of needs assessment work sessions led by PGAL brought together key stakeholders and designers to collaborate on the functionality of the new facility and develop a 20-year master plan.

Features Include:

  1. Combined police and municipal courts complex
  2. State-of-the-art crime lab, evidence processing, and storage
  3. Stand-alone SWAT building
  4. 150-person courtroom
Volver Arriba