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Farmer & The Seahorse
Farmer & The Seahorse
Farmer & The Seahorse
Farmer & The Seahorse
Farmer & The Seahorse
Farmer & The Seahorse
Farmer & The Seahorse
Farmer & The Seahorse
Farmer & The Seahorse

Farmer & The Seahorse

Located in The Alexandria, a bold and dynamic amenity building for use by Alexandria tenants, Farmer & The Seahorse brings new meaning to the term “corporate cafeteria”.

The interior design of the 12,000-square-foot facility was inspired by the words of Executive Chef Brian Malarkey: “We’re not a restaurant, we’re a lifestyle.” The life-style eatery allows for flexible seating configurations that can also double as informal meeting space to nurture innovative thought.  As one meanders through the restaurant, they are treated to a variety of color, texture, and surprising nooks around every corner. The centerpiece of the facility is a revamped Airstream camper that was modified to create a state-of-the-art conference room or private dining room.  In addition to the kitchen and dining spaces, conference rooms and a large, non-traditional banquet room allow for a plethora of uses by tenants and outside patrons.

The large, 5,000-square-foot outdoor dining patio and recreation lawn, complete with shade structures, adaptable seating, and cornhole sets, further enhance the free-flowing indoor/outdoor experience.

Features include:

  1. Flexible dining and meeting spaces

  2. 5,000-square-foot outdoor dining and recreation area

  3. Full banquet facility

Volver Arriba