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Edwin Agudelo

Join PGAL's Edwin Agudelo at ArchEx East

PGAL Associate Principal, Edwin Agudelo, AIA, will be presenting at Architecture Exchange East on Thursday, November 5 in Richmond, VA.

Agudelo's presentation, “Visual Souplesse and the Architecture of Movement”, examines how complex programs, especially those of transportation building types, require complex circulation systems to account for the variety of users and their points of ingress and egress. Further, these circulation systems rely on signage for enhanced way-finding, advertisement for revenues and public art for its delight and human sensibility. Agudelo will focus on how the architecture of circulation systems and opportunities for integrating signage, art and advertisement within the architectural whole can result in intuitive way-finding and visual souplesse.

In Agudelo's 15-year tenure with PGAL, he has served as Senior Project Designer for a number of the firm's high profile aviation projects including the Los Angeles International Airport's Terminal 1 Modernization, Newark Liberty's Terminal A Redevelopment, Boston-Logan's Consolidated Rental Car Facility, and Las Vegas' McCarran International Airport's Terminal 3. With a focus on transportation projects and their programmatic complexities, he has been involved in the planning of airside and landside facilities that bring together various modes of transportation, while giving primacy to operational efficiency and user comfort and convenience.

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