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Texas A&M

PGAL Selected to Design Texas A&M, Galveston's Newest Academic Building Complex

PGAL was approved by the Texas A&M University System's Chancellor to begin negotiations to provide Architect/Engineer Professional Services for the Academic Building Complex project on the Galveston campus. The proposed scope for the building is to design a 4-story, approximately 80,000 SF Academic Building and associated infrastructure.

The new Academic Building will occupy a prominent location on the Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG) campus entrance and is intended to be an icon for the University. The facility will be the first that visitors, prospective students, and guests see upon arrival.

The main components of the building program include: academic classrooms; chemistry, physics, biology and computer labs; faculty and administrative offices; enrollment services center; student success center; and shared spaces such as the lobby/exhibition space, multipurpose conference room, and informal gathering/extended learning spaces.

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