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Architects for Animals Giving Shelter Fundraising Program

Alexandria Team Creates "De Kat Stijl" for Architects for Animals

On January 14, PGAL's Alexandria team, along with other local firms, participated in the second annual Architects for Animals “Giving Shelter” fundraising program benefitting the Washington, DC Humane Society. Each team designed and built a unique structure that will be placed into community cat colonies throughout DC, providing protection to the City's homeless feline population during the frigid winter months. In addition to the donation of the structure, the event helps create awareness about the plight of DC's homeless animals.

Led by Associate Principal Eric Dagradi and Senior Associate Stephen Yelland, The PGAL team channeled their inner Mondrian for their shelter design - named “De Kat Stijl”. The office held several in-house design charrettes and competitions to determine a suitable design. The result is a cubist, functional and modular design which provides sensible, simple and practical shelter. The main goal was to provide a cozy space with a welcoming entry that also offered protection from direct exposure to wind and weather. The offset vestibule entry will mitigate blasts of cold air but still allow for adequate ventilation of the space.

The modular design of the shelter units allows for easy construction, transportation and maintenance. The flat planer squares, rectangles, and sealed exposed edges of the exterior grade plywood lend themselves perfectly to the simple geometrics of the “De Stijl” palette.

“This is a shelter that homeowners can be proud to display and most importantly that every astute alley cat will be honored to call home,” states Dagradi.

Continuing the PGAL commitment to local community, the “De Kat Stijl” team includes: Stephen Yelland (team leader and design/build team), Eric Dagradi (lead designer and design/build team), Canan Usdu-Topalhan (team coordination), Danny Cao (design/build team), Cristina Caballero (graphics team and design/build team) and Veronica Enders (graphics team).

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