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Sam Ferreri, AIA, Elected Florida League of Mayors President

Sam Ferreri, AIA, Elected Florida League of Mayors President

Outgoing President, Pembroke Pines, FL, Mayor Frank Ortis Conducts Swearing In Ceremony

The Florida League of Mayors has elected PGAL Principal Sam Ferreri as President of the non-partisan organization. Based in PGAL's Boca Raton office, Sam has been Mayor of Greenacres, FL since 1988. He is a Past President of the Florida League of Cities and chairman of Seven50, the regional planning group working to create a 50 year vision for seven South Florida counties.

The Florida League of Mayors represents over 200 cities in Florida and is governed by a 21 member board of directors. Its primary goal is to give Florida mayors a platform for outreach to citizens on urgent issues faced by Florida's cities.

Sam's career in architecture spans more than 33 years as a principal and project designer with expertise in education, civic, mixed use, public safety and justice facilities.

In the past 20 years, he has specialized in educational design for K-12 school projects, including more than a dozen high schools. Sam brings a thorough understanding of how technology is forming the next generation of schools and excels at devising innovative architectural concepts to specifically address the changing trends in education.

He is a strong believer in sustainable design and creating healthy and safe environments. In addition to schools projects, Sam has designed such diverse projects as the St. Lucie County Emergency Operation Center (one of the first EOCs to meet Federal FEMA P 361) and the Florida Atlantic University's 30,000 seat Football Stadium.

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