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Plan Reviews, Brainstorming + Networking in Atlanta

Meet us at the 2014 ACI-NA Annual Conference in Atlanta September 7-10 and let us help brainstorm your next airside or landside project. PGAL's aviation design portfolio includes over 1B SF in terminal, airfield, airline and ConRAC projects coast to coast, including the $242M ConRAC at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. To schedule a complimentary consultation during the conference with PGAL aviation team leaders Ken Brown, AIA, or Jeff Weiner, AIA, please contact Donna Russell, (email hidden; JavaScript is required), 702-435-4448.

Renting a car at the airport during the Conference? You'll pick up your vehicle at the world's largest Consolidated Rental Car Center (CONRAC), winner of multiple design awards from the International Parking Institute. The Rental Car Center was also named one of the country's most innovative, unique and challenging construction projects by the Building of America Network.

PGAL led the project design team for this facility which houses 14 rental car agencies in a 137,000 SF Customer Service Center with two 4-level parking structures (2.8M SF) for 8,700 ready/return/storage parking spaces. A Sky Train, connected by a 1.6 mile guideway, transports 2,600 people/hour 1- way, greatly reducing the airport's carbon footprint.

Conference attendees will include delegates from more than 200 airports and airport authorities, including airport directors, senior airport management, and commissioners. Members of the Airports Council International - North America (ACI-NA) enplane more than 98% of domestic and virtually all international airline passenger and cargo traffic in North America.

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