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Regional Intermodal Transportation Center (RITC) at Bob Hope Airport (BUR)

Airport Improvement Magazine Featuring BUR

The September issue of Airport Improvement Magazine will share inside stories about the new $112 million Regional Intermodal Transportation Center (RITC) at Bob Hope Airport (BUR) in Burbank, CA.  Directly across the street from an existing Metrolink/Amtrak station, the 850,000SF, 3-level RITC, designed by PGAL, includes a new bus transit station, a 2,000 space consolidated rental car center, 1,200 public parking spaces and bicycle parking.

The RITC is the largest capital project in the airport's history. It provides the first direct rail-to-terminal connection in Southern California.

The public parking component will replace the revenue spaces lost with development of the RITC. The rental car component includes ready/ return spaces, a customer service terminal, and multi-floor and elevated maintenance/ fueling/ car wash facilities. The regional bus component provides connectivity to the Airport and the heavy rail line, making this facility a truly intermodal complex for the Southern California area. The 1,200 LF elevated walkway with moving sidewalks provides an enhanced customer experience.

The facility's steel structure is designed for a maximum critical seismic event, or MCE. The project also integrates a 4-megawatt, roof mounted solar facility to help achieve the LEED Gold Certification desired by the Airport Authority.

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