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PGAL Announces Groundbreaking of the Next Phase of the Transformative Bridge District Development

PGAL, the design architect behind the newest phase of the visionary Bridge District, is proud to announce the groundbreaking of this significant project that will redefine the region’s urban landscape. The mixed-use development marks a major milestone in revitalizing the Sacramento Riverfront and delivering much-needed housing options to the growing community.

Located along the vibrant West Sacramento waterfront, the project is designed to seamlessly blend modern architecture with the natural beauty of the riverfront. With an emphasis on community, accessibility, and sustainability, PGAL’s design introduces a dynamic, mixed-use environment that prioritizes both residents and visitors.

The new development features Pierside Apartments, a seven-story building with 260 waterfront units including apartments and 21 live/work townhomes; 995 Riverfront Street, a five-story mixed-use office building with ground-floor retail; and community amenities including a fitness center, pool, coworking spaces, multiple indoor-outdoor community amenities spaces, and the new corporate headquarters for both General Contractor Brown Construction and Owner/Developer Fulcrum Property.

“PGAL is thrilled to contribute to the transformation of the Sacramento Riverfront by delivering a project that reflects the city’s aspirations for smart growth and vibrant urban living,” said Matthew Ellis, AIA, Principal at PGAL. “Our design approach emphasizes connectivity, quality, and sustainability to ensure this development becomes a cornerstone of West Sacramento’s evolving identity.”

This project represents a collaborative effort between PGAL, Owner/Developer Fulcrum Property, General Contractor Brown Construction, Kuchman Architects, Landscape Architect Roach Campbell, and local stakeholders, underscoring a shared commitment to revitalizing underutilized areas into thriving urban spaces.

Construction is now underway, with the first phase expected to complete in 2026.

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